Teacher First

By Kathy Reeves
15 October, 2015


Hello and welcome to the Scientific Minds blog! I'm Kathy Reeves, teacher turned instructional materials author, software developer, and the President and Founder of Scientific Minds.

I'm shaking my head as I write this. Software developer?  Seriously? 

I'm really a teacher who taught science for 24 years.  My teaching assignments ranged from 5th grade science to Advanced Placement Biology, with many years as high school science department chair.  Like most public schools, the schools where I taught had students with diverse backgrounds and learning needs.  My teaching experience also includes 6 years as an adjunct instructor, teaching night classes for a teacher certification program at a local college. 

Out of necessity I stumbled on a process that significantly improved the scientific literacy and science test scores of the students on my campus.  It especially supported the struggling and traditionally underserved students. 

The process was so successful that other educators began asking for it, so I built a version that could be marketed.  Very quickly many, many schools were experiencing the same success.  Since then I've assembled a very talented team, and we continue to work together to develop meaningful, standards-focused science programs and teacher professional development, all delivered from a robust learning management platform. 

As I have continued down this new and exciting career path, I have learned and accomplished a great deal and served in many different roles and capacities.  But no matter what I am called, no matter the level of success I achieve, no professional role or title is as important to me as "teacher". 

As far as my professional life is concerned, I will always be a teacher first.


Indigo NEEDS to STAY


03 January, 2023 07:28 AM


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