I Heart My Science Career! An Interview with a Forensic Scientist

By Scientific Minds
03 August, 2016


 In an effort to inspire students to pursue STEM careers and interests, "I Heart My Science Career" highlights a person with a career in the sciences. Today's Scientific Minds interview is with Emily Esquivel, Laboratory Director and Forensic Scientist.

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Have I Done Something to Offend You?

By Kathy Reeves
31 August, 2016


Students filed into my classroom with the usual amount of lively conversation and activity. They picked up their science notebooks and sat down to begin their daily writing assignment. I was just beginning the Science Starter of the day when one of the students erupted, apparently triggered by a comment from another student. "Shut up!" he yelled at the student behind him. He turned, saw the look on my face, and shouted, "This school is stupid and I hate it here!"

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I Heart my Science Career! An Interview with a Veterinarian

By Scientific Minds
17 August, 2016


In an effort to inspire students to pursue STEM careers and interests, "I Heart My Science Career" highlights a person with a career in the sciences. Today's Scientific Minds interview is with Dr. Kayla Cheek, Associate Veterinarian.

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English Language Learners, Science, and Single-Serving Friends

By Kathy Reeves
24 August, 2016


I had just finished an afternoon of teacher training and was at the airport facing two flights that would put me home at midnight. I saw her waiting at the gate, sipping a bottle of water and sorting through several manila folders bulging with neatly collated and stapled handouts. She picked up her phone, responded to some emails or texts, then went back to studying her handouts. Although we had never met, she looked familiar – not her appearance but her mission. I knew I was looking at someone with a passion for education and quickly inferred that she was also a provider of teacher professional development.  

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Hi! I'm Kathy Reeves, President and Founder of Scientific Minds, LLC.  I'm a teacher, edupreneur, and software developer. I'm on a mission to develop quality, web-based science education products that inspire, encourage, and promote next-generation skills for student success. Learn more

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