Free Accounts to Schools Affected by Hurricane Harvey

By Kathy Reeves
28 August, 2017


At Scientific Minds our thoughts and prayers go out to everyone affected by Hurricane Harvey. Having experienced hurricanes Rita and Ike, we recognize how difficult the months ahead will be. To support flooded schools in the devastated areas, we are offering free teacher accounts for the months of September, October, and November.

Harvey is still wreaking havoc on the Texas Gulf coast with the National Weather Service reporting Wednesday or Thursday of this week as the expected date of peak flooding. The Federal Emergency Management Agency is estimating there to be 450,000 disaster victims with 30,000 people in shelters, and those numbers are climbing.

There is no way to predict when schools in the most flooded areas will be able to resume. Sadly, many teachers will be dealing with the loss of personal property as well as the loss of their teaching supplies and materials. Scientific Minds wants to help by providing these teachers with an online resource that covers 100% of the Texas science TEKS for grades 3-8, Biology, and Chemistry. If you are a teacher or administrator in one of these schools, please contact us.

We can get your accounts set up in one or two days and will provide a quick online training session to help you get started. To activate your school, contact us with the name of the affected district and campus, and the names and email addresses of the teachers needing accounts.  You can reach us by phone at 800-886-8145 or by email at

You can find some helpful tips and a downloadable lab activity in a previous blog post titled 4 Tips for Teaching Through a Crisis.

To our educator friends, we know that the recovery work ahead of you is immense, and your students need you more than ever. Please know you have a friend in Scientific Minds – we are cheering for you during these difficult days.


Dayton/Liberty Texas

Claudia Friedrich

03 September, 2017 04:13 PM


Claudia, I have seen the pictures of Dayton and Liberty. It's just unbelievable. Please have someone in the district contact us when they are ready to activate the gift. I am so sorry everyone there is dealing with the aftermath or this terrible storm.


04 September, 2017 09:47 AM

Victoria Independent School District Victoria, Texas terribly affected by Hurricane Harvey. We are working and praying together to try to get our schools open for all our students.

Angie Vargas

02 September, 2017 10:41 PM


Angie, I hear that Victoria has terrible damage. I'm so sorry. Please have someone in the district contact us when they are ready for us to set up the accounts.


04 September, 2017 09:42 AM

Katy ISD has schools affected by Harvey :(

Angela Martin

02 September, 2017 06:27 PM


I'm so sorry, Angela. When they are able to resume school, please have someone contact us with the information we will need to set them up. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.


04 September, 2017 09:38 AM

Harvey in goose creek right now

Barbara hunt

29 August, 2017 07:34 PM


Thanks for the information Barbara. I'm so sorry to hear this. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you as you deal with the aftermath of this terrible storm.


29 August, 2017 07:47 PM

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