4 Reasons Why Scientific MindsĀ® are SeXeY

By Kathy Reeves
19 April, 2016


Our team has attended science education conferences all over the US, and weā€™ve given away many different door prizes in our workshops. Year after year, nothing has been as popular as our t-shirts and stickers that say "Scientific MindsĀ® are SeXeY". The definition of sexy has grown to include anything that is trendy, attractive, intriguing, or interesting. Here are the top 4 reasons why this slogan continues to be embraced by our teachers.

1.  Scientific minds ARE sexy. 

People who think like scientists are interesting, curious, and eager to learn about the world around them.  This level of curiosity is attractive and inspiring. 

2.  ā€œSexyā€ is boring; ā€œSeXeYā€ is fun.
When you misspell sexy with the elements selenium, xenon, and yttrium, the sexy quotient is significantly magnified. (Have those elements memorized yet?)

3.  Our SeXey shirt is awesome.
Let's face it, science teachers are fun, and this is a super fun shirt.  Science teachers who follow us on social media love the science jokes we post and enjoy sharing them with their students.  Check out our
Facebook page for a few science chuckles.

4.  Ashton Kutcher says so. 
No, really. He does. Listen to him talk about the ā€œsexiest thing in the entire worldā€ at the Teen Choice Awards. 

Science is smart, and smart is SeXeY!

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